Storkower Straße, Collage, Klebeband auf Karton © Björn Paulissen


The Beginning and End of the Long Sorrow
The pedestrian bridge, a short while ago, used to be a lot longer. The story begins in 1877: South of the S-Bahn station – today still remotely located, as it was when it was first built – the city's giant main slaughterhouse was erected right next to the just-completed Ringbahn, forming a city outside the city. Doctor and politician Rudolf Virchow had already begun ... by Mathis Sommer

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Tips and Links for Storkower Straße
The bellows of animals have long been subdued, the stench of blood has drifted away. Only the naked steel frame of the major Berlin slaughterhouse remains today, now integrated in an extraordinary park: Wohnsiedlung Fennpfuhl | Zunfthalle | Archiv Grünes Gedächtnis | Hammelauktionshalle | Sporthalle Hausburgviertel | Frischeparadies Lindemann | Nahversorgungszentrum | ...

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