Wedding, Collage, Klebeband auf Karton © Björn Paulissen


Culture in the "Ghetto"
Pulling into Wedding's S-Bahn station, the Ring practically mutates into a high-speed rail. Glass, steel, concrete: this station holds its own among the best of the Intercity-Express's railway station. Its architectural appearance finds its counterpart in a pharmaceutical corporation's neighboring buildings; it almost seems as though the train station were the international company's gate to the world ... by Gernot Schaulinski

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Walkabout: En route from a pharmaceutical giant to the "stomach doctor"
Berlin's most modern Ringbahn station hovers over Müllerstraße, Wedding's major thoroughfare. Its southbound lanes lead past the premises of former Schering AG. The 15-story company headquarters wrapped in glittering sheet metal, hard to overlook, is a local landmark. Though it has since been swallowed up by the next-biggest pharmaceutical corporation, the company's history stretches back to 1851 when Ernst Schering first opened the "Green Pharmacy" here... by Gernot Schaulinski

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Tips and Links for Wedding
It may not have the best reputation, but the district is well worth a visit. Colorful, loud, price-conscious: Wedding has even become a brand! A closer look reveals immigrant neighborhoods with surprising cultural corners to explore: Prime Time Theater | US-Military-Shop | Krematorium Wedding | Hausbrauerei Eschenbräu | Beuth Hochschule für Technik | Bei Ernst | Stadtbad Wedding | Kunst in den Gerichtshöfen e.V. | ...

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